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Other business areas
In the process of plant design, SKS also designs the structures necessary to install the equipment and piping systems. Further, we are also developing our own programs required for quick and accurate structural analysis, physical analysis and the layout and design of piping systems and architecture, etc.

- Architectural design
- Using analytical software, such as STAADpro, etc. for the design of architectural structures and the support structures for piping systems, we are able to perform analysis based on a variety of conditions, including earthquakes, wind and snowfall, etc. and create plans based on the results.

- Program development
- In order to ensure quality design work that is both accurate and error-free, we are developing a range of processes suitable for automation, including data entry, the transfer of data between different software, and tools to enhance the efficiency of CAD work using VBA, VB.NET, C++, C#.NET and FORTRAN, etc.