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I believe
people should openly admit
when there is something
they don't understand
or have concerns about.
Joined SKS in October 2016
Reactor Safety Technology Department, Radiation Safety Design Section Subsection ChiefKeiichi Kato
Q1What kind of work do you currently do?
- I am currently responsible for the disposal of waste material generated by plants that are in operation and analysis related to the disposal of waste material from dismantled plants that have been decommissioned.
When disposing of waste material, levels of radiation, something that affects the external environment, must be reduced to a level less than that which people are exposed to in nature. My work involves performing analysis and calculations concerning how deep material is to be buried and how thick the waste containers must be and designing the radiation shields.
Q2What have you found challenging since joining SKS?
- In my previous job a lot of our work was done individually so when I came to SKS I struggled with how to share information within a team setting. Everyone was friendly so I had no problem talking with them but because everyone was working in their own field or area it was sometimes confusing as to who was doing what and what information had already been shared with whom. In response, we created a system whereby everyone could share common mistakes, problems and minor incidents, etc., creating a framework that enabled us all to understand who was doing what and share work progress. So far we haven't had any problems so I feel like our system is working.
Q3Are there any new skills you would like to acquire in the future?
- Our work in the analytical department involves working with plans and figures based on the radiation doses measured by the onsite teams therefore we have little opportunity to see the real thing. I would like to broaden the scope of things I can do in the future. One specific thing I have done is accompany an onsite team on my own request to an onsite measurement in order to learn more about the technology used to measure radiation doses. I am also currently studying to acquire qualifications in relation to the handling of radiation. I decided to do this so that I could understand more about the theory behind how the results generated by the analytic codes were being calculated.
Q4What are your impressions of SKS?
How do think it will change in the future?
- There is a lot of movement in the industry and I handle a lot of information in the course of my analytical work. Members of the same team are working on different things and there is so much information, even in the same department, so in a lot of cases we don't know what other departments are doing. If we were to take an interest in and understand what other teams around us were doing, we may, for example, think of more efficient methods or come up with new plans and ideas, etc.
In addition to things like accuracy and advanced technologies, I would like to find my own strengths, like efficiency that will help us to differentiate us from our competitors.
Getting to know our employees
A day at work at SKS
Arrive at work, check emails
Team meetings
Attend regular meetings with client
Analytical work
Create work process
Work meetings with client
Team work progress meetings
Leave work
How I spend my days off
On my days off I spend my time playing with my kids or playing sport.
I play a lot of sports but I particularly like ball sports.
I enjoy exercising, playing tennis or baseball with my friends.
Learn more about the people working at SKS
My work contributes to the stable supply of infrastructure!
Plant Engineering Department, Plant Design Section 2
Hitomi Urabe, Joined SKS as a new graduate in 2014
People should openly admit when they don't understand something
Reactor Safety Technology Department, Radiation Safety Design Section Subsection Chief
Keiichi Kato, Joined SKS in October 2016
I want to create an environment at SKS where everyone can continue to learn and grow.
Plant Engineering Department, Plant Design Section 2 Subsection Chief
Tsutomu Yoshida, Joined SKS in April 2009
I want to be able to readily adapt to changes in society
Structural Safety Technology Department, Structural Safety Design Section 1 Deputy Section Chief
Keiichi Kondo, Joined SKS in August 2008
I want to continue to learn and keep up with the latest technologies
Plant Engineering Department, Plant Design Section 1
Shinnosuke Tanaka, Joined SKS as a new graduate in 2013
I believe you only truly improve when you face new challenges at work
Structural Safety Technology Department, Structural Safety Design Section 2 Deputy Section Chief
Kyoko Mashima, Joined SKS in January 2013